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The Prince George’s County Memorial Library System (PGCMLS) Digital Digital Special Collections Project was created with the goal of showcasing the special collections offerings that are housed in Prince George's County libraries. Please use the links below to explore oral histories, digitized archival photos, finding aids, and digital content that features PGCMLS’ special collections.

Featured Oral Histories

Oral Histories 

Oral histories are documents that preserve firsthand accounts and perspectives on historical events that are recorded in interview form. This collection of oral histories documents firsthand accounts and perspectives from individuals with experiences relevant to PGCMLS, Prince George’s County, Maryland, and the surrounding areas.

Current exhibitions+ Current Exhibitions -
  • Prince George's Memorial Library System Oral History Project Prince George's Memorial Library System Oral History Project: The PGCMLS Oral History Project’s goal is to document the voices and experiences of current and former staff members employed by PGCMLS. This oral history collection is one facet of a larger project of presenting and recording the Library’s history comprehensively via photographs, documents, and other primary sources. Established in 1946 in Prince George’s County, PGCMLS’ nearly 80 year history and generations of staff represent decades of institutional memory and service to local communities.
  • Social Equity Commons Oral History Project Social Equity Commons Oral History Project: The Social Equity Commons Oral History Project is a years-long effort to document the stories and experiences of residents, working professionals, and public officials from Bladensburg-area neighborhoods. It features recorded oral interviews of several teen participants in the April 2024 Youth Leadership Academy at Bladensburg Branch. It aims to understand what students learned to help support their community and what they would like to see for its future.
  • Speak Your Truth! Oral History Project @ Oxon Hill Celebrate and explore the historically African American incorporated towns of Prince George’s County: Eagle Harbor, Fairmount Heights, Glenarden and North Brentwood.

Oral History logo

Picture Gallery 

These still images, some digitized and others born digital, represent decades of the Library's history as well as the local community's history. Subjects and topics that can be found within this collection include photos of branches, staff, programs, summer reading, memorabilia, displays, library customers, and newspaper clippings.

Current exhibitions+ Current Exhibitions -
  • Bookmobiles at PGCMLS Through the Years:The photographs and memorabilia in this collection document the history of the Bookmobile program at PGCMLS. Services in the bookmobile program included: assisting customers in applying for a library card; checking out books, telling stories and giving information about PGCMLS. Bookmobiles Services at PGCMLS ended for good in 1991 due to the budget crisis.
  • Surratts-Clinton Now and then this collection contains photographs documenting library building construction from 1978 and includes materials that showcase its renovations and memorabilia related to the branch’s original opening in 1980.

Finding Aid

Finding Aids 

Please use the documentation below to explore PGCMLS’collections of specialized materials. This collection of finding aids describe special collections materials, most of which are not cataloged, in order to make them accessible to researchers. These materials include serials, microfilm, and a vertical file. These guides provide detailed information about the inventory, scope and contents for each collection. If applicable, information about conditions of access and dates of publication is also available. 

Current exhibitions+ Current Exhibitions -
  • Prince George's Room Microfilm Collection Prince George's Room Microfilm Collection: The Prince George’s Room Microfilm Collection includes local newspaper publications from the twentieth and twenty first century (1900-2010), as well as historical newspaper and broadside publications ranging from the eighteenth to nineteenth centuries (1700-1900).
  • ASM Ink: Newsletter of the Archeological Society of Maryland, Inc: This 8 to 12-page newsletter, published monthly, that keeps Society members and interested members of the public informed of the latest archeological news in Maryland, projects in need of volunteers, upcoming meetings, workshops, and talks, and other archeological information and news.
  • County Business Patterns: Annual edition from the U.S Department of Commerce Bureau of the Census. The report provides information on reporting units, payroll, and employment by industry classification and county location.
  • Maryland archeological month 2022: Maryland Archeology Month focuses on the importance of recording the archeological context of artifacts. Context refers to the physical location where an artifact was found and the artifact's spatial relationship to other objects and cultural features. Context allows artifacts to be linked to specific events, site occupations, and cultural traditions. Context also helps to explain how objects were used, what their significance was, and what role they played in the lives of people in the past.
  • Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin: The Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin was published from 1960 to 2007.The Bulletin contained Maryland Genealogical Society News, families histories, information about Maryland genealogical source records, and other content of interest to genealogists. Maryland Genealogical Society Journal: The Maryland Genealogical Society Journal is the successor l publication to the Bulletin. It contains information about Maryland genealogical source records, family histories, articles on improving genealogical research skills, and other information for those researching their ancestors in the state of Maryland.
  • Maryland Genealogical Society Journal: Maryland Genealogical Society Journal is a periodical publication with genealogical information about Maryland source records, family histories, “how-to” articles to improve genealogical research skills, book reviews, and other features. The Journal is a must for anyone researching their heritage in the state of Maryland.
  • Maryland Historical Magazine: Published by the Maryland Center for History and Culture since 1906, the Maryland Historical Magazine is a semiannual, peer-reviewed journal read widely by specialists as well as general audiences. With a circulation of 4,000 copies per issue, it enjoys one of the largest readerships among state historical journals in the nation. The magazine is an indispensable resource for scholars, teachers, families, librarians, archivists, students, independent researchers, and the general public.
  • Potomac Catholic Heritage: The magazine is published by the Catholic Historical Society of Washington, with the purpose of promoting awareness of the catholic history in the Potomac area.
  • Southern Maryland - this is living: Southern Maryland This is Living is a full-color, high-gloss magazine focusing on the unique flavor and outstanding offerings of the Southern Maryland region.
  • Then and Now: Quarterly publication of the Prince George’s County Historical Society, the publication contributes to fulfilling the society mission of preserving and promoting the County’s long and diverse history.

Digital exhibition

Digital Exhibitions 

The Prince George’s Room Collection of Digital Exhibitions features materials from the collection and highlights works of local historical interest. Please keep an eye on this space to experience a rotating selection of digital content spotlighting different titles and topics celebrating Prince George’s County history and culture. 

Current exhibitions+ Current Exhibitions -
  • Hyattsville Our Hometown 1886 - 1986: Hyattsville, Our Town 1886-1986 is a biography of the city of Hyattsville first century. The book chronicles the arrival of the Hyatt family from London to Virginia in 1634, Christopher Clarke Hyatt’s 19th century founding of the city, and Hyattsville’s economic and technological growth in the early 20th century.
District Heights First Branch

Gallery Spotlight

District Heights first Branch 

Unknown author



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Overview of Special Collections

There are three special collections: the Prince George’s Room, the Sojourner Truth Room and the Tugwell Room.

  • The Prince George’s Room, formerly called the Maryland Room, is a noncirculating, local history, and genealogy collection. It is located in the Hyattsville Branch Library.
  • The Sojourner Truth Room is dedicated to African American history and is located in the Oxon Hill Branch Library, which was built on the former site of the Sojourner Truth Elementary School for African Americans.
  • The Greenbelt Branch Library is the site of the Tugwell Room collection. The Tugwell Room collection’s focus is urban planning, architecture, history of the New Deal era, cooperatives and the city of Greenbelt.

Please fill out this form if you have questions related to our collection.   Consultation Form